Welcome to Gou Vedic.!

Here you will find a wide range of healthy and fresh dairy products that are proudly produced at our farm by our farmers and cows. Welcome to Gouvedic!.

Refund And Replacement Policies


Milk Unfit for Consumption:
Our milk has no preservatives or additives. Maintaining optimum temperature, hence, is key to keeping the milk fresh and fit to be consumed. However if the cold chain inadvertently breaks at our end, causing the milk to sour on the day of delivery, you can request a refund for the said lot. Refund is initiated once we collect the soured milk bottles from you.

Erroneous Delivery

A delivery will be considered erroneous at our end if you intimated us in advance.If you receive a delivery despite this, you are eligible for a refund. Refusing delivery without prior information does not qualify for refund. The following are the only admissible ways of prior intimation:

  • Call our customer care department.
  • Email our customer care department.
  • Update necessary information in your account on the APP.
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Please note, informing the delivery boy is not admissible as formal intimation of order. The customer care department is the only authorized channel for this.


Accidental Breakage
We understand accidents can happen. Breakage of one bottle, the first and only first time it happens will incite no charge. Going further, each broken glass bottle will be charged at Rs.50. In case of glass bottles, we request you to rinse and return the bottles on every next scheduled delivery.

Our Motto

Nothing is Added and Nothing is Extracted

All milks are excusively from our farms and we welcome you/ our customers to visit our farms on weekends with prior appointment, for a complete miling experience and be one with nature.